I began practicing Falun Dafa in March 1998 after my mother introduced the practice to me. Below is a summary of the persecution I have suffered.
Early October 1999
In early October 1999, four policemen from the Yingshang Police Station in Jimo City, Shandong Province, arrested me from my home and detained me in a small room. They demanded that I give up my belief in Falun Gong. I began a hunger strike in protest and was released two days later. My son was expelled from school due to my refusal to give up Falun Gong.
October 20, 1999
On October 20, 1999, another practitioner and I went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to clarify the facts about Dafa but was arrested. I was beaten by police in the car and taken to the Jixi office in Beijing. After I clarified the facts of Dafa to them, they released me.
February 2000
On the second day of the Chinese New Year in 2000, all five of my family members (my parents, myself and my two sisters) went to Tiananmen to appeal again. We were arrested and taken to the Jixi office in Beijing. My father and I were then transferred to the Hengshan District Detention Center in Jixi, while my mother and two sisters were taken to the Jixi City Detention Center. At the detention center, the police instigated criminals to beat me, resulting in bleeding from my nose and mouth. They forced me to write a guarantee statement that I would not go to Beijing to appeal, and they released me a month later.
May 10, 2001
In May 2001, I was living in exile because I could not return home due to the persecution. On May 10, I was living on a nearby mountain digging wild vegetables for food when over a dozen policemen from the Jixi City Jiguan district arrested me. I was brutally beaten all over before being thrown into a car.
At the police station, I was stripped of my clothes and tied up with rope. They handcuffed me, placed Master Li Hongzhi’s photo beneath my buttocks, and began torturing me using all kinds of physical methods. I almost died from the pain. The torture went on for approximately 40 hours nonstop.
On the morning of May 13, I was taken back to Jixi First Detention Center, where I was detained for a year. During this period, I was subjected to various forms of torture, including countless beatings, being shocked with electric batons, various torture instruments made of steel, bitten by cats under the instigation of the police, and being spit on by dozens of criminals. Police told me that I would be released immediately if I gave up my practice of Falun Gong.
Show Trial
In December 2001, they put on a show trial for me. I stated to the judge that Falun Dafa is a righteous practice, for which the two bailiffs beat me using their batons. When I returned to the detention center, I was shocked using electric batons again. I was sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment for “disrupting the implementation of the law.” Guo Meisong and Liu Guihua, who were sentenced with me on the same day, were both persecuted to death at Harbin Women’s Labor Camp.
Harbin Prison
On April 10, 2002, I was transferred to Harbin Prison, where I continued to be tortured and abused. Once in early 2003, police instigated several inmates to torture me. They told me, “Don’t blame us, the government told us to do this.” They stuffed a towel into my mouth, used their fingers to dig into my eyeballs, beat both of my ears, tore at my testicles, kicked my head, twisted my bones, etc. This lasted many hours, and I was in immense pain. I passed out and woke up in the prison hospital. Many other practitioners who was with me in the same prison, such as Wang Dayuan, were persecuted to death.
Daqing Hospital (大庆医院) 2004
The prison transferred me to the 6th unit on July 1, 2004. On November 16, 2004, I was persecuted again and, in desperation, swallowed several metal nails. I was hung up using handcuffs, but somehow they came loose and I was able to free myself. They saw that I freed myself and came in. I bumped my head on a triangular piece of metal and passed out unconscious. I was taken to Daqing Hospital. When I woke up, I found a long surgical cut on the left side of my torso. 6 days later I was taken back to the prison.
Pictures of the surgical scar on my body are attached below. I have consulted with medical doctors, however, and they believe that this scar has nothing to do with foreign objects in my stomach.
The persecution continued, and I was once taken to a toilet by several inmates. One of them told me that he had been told to strangle me to death in the bathroom using a piece of rope, but he could not do it. He even said that I should sue them and that he would testify for me.
Daqing Hospital 2006
I was taken to Daqing Hospital again on March 2, 2006. I was taken to a room with many medical devices, placed on a rotating chair, and had a variety of tests done on me. After the tests were done, I was taken to an isolated hospital room and placed on a bed with two policemen guarding me. Soon, a nurse came in and said in surprise, “Why aren’t you tied up with rope?” I said, “Look at the state I’m in from the persecution, there’s no need to tie me up.” She commented, “All the Falun Gong practitioners who have come here were tied up using ropes.”
She took various measurements, including my body temperature, blood pressure, etc. Then, she set up a drip and inserted a needle into me. After she left, I pulled the needle out. She soon came back, and when she saw that I had pulled out the needle, she said, “You’ll be quiet soon enough.”
At around 7p.m. that night, a male doctor in his 40s came in, wearing a big white coat. He curled up my legs and raised them high. Then he started pressing several places in my abdominal area. Then he flipped me over and started pressing several places on the back of my waist. When he was done, he said, “we’ll be doing an operation on you tomorrow” before leaving.
At around 2 a.m. that night, I wanted to use the bathroom. A policeman opened my cuffs while the other policeman was sleeping. He walked me to the bathroom. Once I returned from the bathroom, I began sending righteous thoughts and saw the policeman fall flat onto his bed. I fled the hospital using the safety exit. With other practitioners’ help, I was able to escape.
On March 8, 2006, I saw reports of live organ harvesting being published on Minghui. Immediately, I knew what was going on and what they wanted to do with me. I felt tremendous fear, a fear that has not left me even today. In addition, even though the nurse said that many Falun Gong practitioners had been in the unit before me, after researching online and talking to other local practitioners, we have not been able to find any Falun Gong practitioners who were admitted to that unit in Daqing Hospital and lived to tell the story. I believe that this is why they started a nationwide hunt for me, as discussed below.
My escape was reported on by Minghui.
Other pictures are available at the bottom of this page.
Nationwide Warrant and Living in Exile
The Ministry of Public Security soon issued a nationwide warrant for my arrest. Notice of my warrant was widely publicized, including on TV in 2009 and 2012. Every week, the armed police, public security, judicial personnel, and neighborhood Party officials would ask my family members for my whereabouts. In October 2013, I managed to return home once and was told by my alarmed family that I must never return home again.

A friend of mine who worked in the Daqing Public Security Bureau told me that a confidential order had been transmitted internally: If Guyou were to be arrested anywhere, kill him immediately; there is no need to bring Guyou back home. Since 2006, I have lived in exile with the help of other practitioners and with the daily fear that I would be killed.
My goal is to use this experience to sue Jiang Zemin for the CCP’s crimes against Falun Gong, in particular the organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. I want to let the world know about their crimes. I have been lucky enough to escape, but Thailand is not a safe place, and there have been instances of Falun Gong practitioners being taken back to China by Chinese spies here. I ask for your assistance to help me escape to the United States as soon as possible.